Wherever I go I love to share the difficulties I found on the particular place to google map for helping the people who might visit after me. Some places proper instructions are not given because of that we suffer once we reach there, in many cases people love to visit new places where they don’t have prior knowledge about those places. And people are just visiting the place without knowing the exact time period which is best to be in a particular place to enjoy the place.
Also, I love to take many photos from varies angles and share those in google map because of that people might get a good understanding about the places they are going to visit by looking at the photos. Sometimes I might not notice something which might not be a big thing for me but those things might be big for some people so they can understand that through the visual representation of the particular place. I love to share photos of new places which I like because from those photos people might like that place and visit the place to make it popular and they might add their review to google map in a different angle.