What I love sharing most on Google Maps and why?

I became a Local Guide „by accident”. One of my photos – for reasons I still quite don’t understand – ended up being featured on Google Maps. I received a notification that I’d reached 3000 views. I checked it out, and then joined the community.

While I am taking a lot of pictures, especially of tourist attractions - what I “liked” most was finding small, pleasant places „on the go. So the simplest pubs, as well as various cafés, bars, restaurants became the favorites.

I hope that where I felt good, many others will, too. eel good. And as a local guide, I’m helping to share my photos and reviews on Google Maps. I believe that’s been proven right – it can’t be a coincidence that one of my photos from the Augustiner-Bräu Brasserie in Munich still boasts over half a million views.

This formulated the essence of my activity as local guide: let’s help others to reach, get to know and try out certain objects more easily. I think my favorite topic is just like that.

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