What I love Sharing Most on Google Maps and Why

I like when the other people are helped by the information that I give

I also very happy when I help small businesses around me and giving some reviews via Google Maps

It help them to be more famous and people who never know that place before, now can access it on Google Maps

Many small businesses like food street are very tasty but another people don’t know about it. And I want to share such a things with the other people so they can feel what I feel

Google maps help me to support my hobby.

My hobby is reviewing. Created some article. And the content is reviewing… food, aplication, movie and more else.

Even, I ever created a web specifically about my review, but now that web is not available. Because I less time to build that web.

I need more time, to be able to build a web that I want.

But long before that I already knew Google Maps.

And it makes me so happy and start active on Google Maps. Building up my account until I was level 6. But a few months I have been less active on Google Maps. Because there are so many activities that I have to do.

But I never forgetten Google Maps

There are many places that I comes and I try to always remember that place and things that I need to write on Google Maps later.

I am very glad there are Google Maps as a platform to develop my talent

Thank You Google Maps…



Your photo is very attractive, this is very tiny island?

Please post more photo like this.

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Thank You…

I take that picture in Jawa Timur Park, Indonesia.

You should visit that place when you comes to Indonesia some day…

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