What I love sharing most on Google Maps and why?

I am living in Muscat Oman now. But I am basically from Kerala, a small state in India. I had started using google applications since 2007. But when I came to Saudi Arabia and started my sales job, I actually started using the google maps. Since I was new to the place and the lack of Arabic language became a big problem for me while going on marketing. But google maps was the solution for my problem not fully, but at least a 75% during those initial days. Later I started travelling to different countries for business purpose, I found it more useful day by day to find hotels, get reviews, find offices, parks, malls and what not… So I also made a research on how to add reviews, comments, photos and other things to our visits. I found google local guide. First I thought it would be a paid service and I didn’t use it much. Later I slowly learnt its actual purpose and started adding photos first since it was less time consuming process. I made it a habit to do so after each of my visits to many places, certainly not to become a pro level guide, but just to share with my friends and family, just to show them where I was going and thus to boast off… Then I started reading reviews and it helped me a lot when choosing different stores, restaurants, hotels, hospitals and even service centers of certain products. I realized the beauty of google local guide. I loved the community and its efforts to help the large unknown public all over the world. I wished to be a part of it and I seriously started making reviews on my visits, share photos, answer questions and ask relevant questions that can be helpful to some else who would be in need. Then google let me know the point system and the gradual progress of a guide from one level to another. So it became like a game also to earn points and to move forward. Now I am proud that my photos have more than 100k views already and I am at level 6. What I love in this now is that I am able to help people from all over the world whom I don’t even know. I am being a guide intact to them to tell about the places they wish to visit, answer their queries and show them what it would look like. Without any financial and time investment, I am able to help people silently.

I keep my journey still. I wish more to focus on restaurants for reporting their food quality, service, their available amenities to make people’s decisions easier. I always try to be genuine in my reviews and not to harm any business or entities I report at. I always make it simple for everyone to understand it easily and make a decision out of it. I enjoy sharing the information that I visited some where and my experience there. I do not restrict my focus on restaurants only, but to the hotels I stay, malls I visit, parks and theaters I go and even the hospitals and its systems. I am happy using it and I will continue doing it. Though internet is so wide spread in India, there are still places those are not much exposed to information technology and its benefits. there many things which are not accessible by google. I am looking at this endeavor for giving details every location point, home by home, office by office at our finger tips so that no one will struggle to find them on time restricted occasions.