Google Maps is a great place to share the beauties of places and the tastes of delicious foods and the advantages and disadvantages of visiting certain places. It helps the community to learn from other peoples’ experiences. I prefer to share the negative aspects of shops rather than discussion about positive factors. I like to write about the disadvantages and the difficulties I face during my visit to a certain shop or restaurant. Apart from sharing the merits or benefits, I feel that it is my duty to share the bad experiences that I went through so the customers or visitors are warned before being ripped off. It also gives the shopkeepers as well as the service providers a chance to rectify themselves. It gives them a chance to improve the quality of their services or products. I also talk about whether a restaurant or market place has adequate amount of parking space for its visitors. So all in all, I feel that the positive aspects will be automatically experienced by the customers and they will be enthusiastic to pay a visit for the second time however, the consumers must be aware of the negative aspects too as those will make them think twice before visiting or buying any product from the shop or restaurant or service center.