What I love sharing most on Google Maps and why!

Hi everybody
My name is Ahmed Ghazi , I’m from Iraq, Ramadi city . I’m working as English language instructor in University of anbar along with that I’m a volunteer with google maps as a local guide ,and I want to share my interest about the places that I love to post or add to google maps.first of all I do like to add and giving description of the marketing and shopping places,and the reason of this selection becuase places like these are highly required and necessary and all the people looking for these places , whether in my city or in another country .such places meet the needs of everyone so we can’t neglect this fact.also I like to make review and add comments about restaurants , entertainment places , and adding photos of these places to help my friends and people in my city to know more about these places. though , I have shared many other places like schools, universities, and hospitals etc… .otherwise, I answered many questions that may help the people who they are using google maps in my city.

Finally I hope to do my best as a local guide and try as much as possible to make a difference , to make the life easier by using google maps and save time and efforts . I’m grateful to share this post with you and happy to be invited to apply for #connect live 2019 . I’m super excited for this event and counting down the seconds to know if I got accepted to join you in this amazing opportunity . I hope to get the chance to be there and living the dream and interacting with other local guides from all over the world , exchanging experiences about our contributions to enrich google maps with fruitful touches . Thanks google
#connect live 2019

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