What I love sharing most on Google Maps and why?

Well I didn’t know the plans of Google and their association for their maps. Before the invention of map application in smartphones, I would see that there would be many confusions about where to go and what is the place they would like to eat and which ones the best. This especially happens to the tourists who are alone on their trip. They’re almost helpless and they feel shy to approach to loaclites. And these local guides( including me) posting tons of info about places helps them a lot. They need not feel bad for searching these places. Internet is a place for a community like this and it’s improving everyday. And Google Maps is a part of it. I share many thing with maps because I have been is confusions where to go and which is the best. This happened to me in Bali. I wondered why. This is because Google Maps depended upon our contribution and we are the helping hand for these lost people. With Google Maps we can make every person at unknown places as a recovered person but not as a lost person. Connect is now really interesting and I’m looking forward to look upon it.