It gives me the capability of bringing small and micro businesses, colleges, government institutions and other such places of public usage online. The growth potential for these businesses are huge. Traditionally, these stores didn’t need any advertisement and were centres or venues for social gatherings, debates and discussions in the communities. With the advent of e-commerce this has changed dramatically and foot fall to these stores have reduced substantially. Adding these stores on Maps and the generated reviews can turn the fortunes of these stores by improving their perception among the millennial that these stores are as good as the retail chains.
Taking shops as small as a betel shop to institutions as big as colleges, with each addition on Google Maps, they have been empowered to get in touch with the tech savvy consumers at a personal level taking their queries while making their presence felt. Addition of public information about places not only saves time of individuals but can help people take decisions and chart out their course of action before reaching the institutions. It makes the economy overall more productive. Thus a small push by an individual can have have a ripple effect and a giant push for the economy.