What i do for removing a duplicate place on Google maps even Google is not accepting my changes ?
There is also some places are at wrong location in my area how can i remove them ??
What i do for removing a duplicate place on Google maps even Google is not accepting my changes ?
There is also some places are at wrong location in my area how can i remove them ??
Thanks for reaching out for your query. You can remove any duplicate place by using “Suggest an Edit” option which you can see on the place’s profile.
There is no any other option except suggest an edit. When you will edit a place, and mark it close or spam, Google will verify it by other local Guides by “check the facts” option on Google maps.
Always try to make sure that you are providing enough evidence when you are marking any place spam or closed, such as a photo of the place.
For further information, I m tagging here @ErmesT , because I also need to know more about this issue.
Thank you
As @KashifMisidia said you can suggest an edit to remove a duplicate place. Google uses either local operators, an automated system, or both to ensure the edit is accurate ( see https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Help-Desk/Why-is-my-edit-status-Pending-or-Not-Applied/ba-p/1079069 ).
I suggest you post in Google Maps Help with proofs so Google Maps Product expert can help you to remove the duplicates. (see an example thread: https://support.google.com/maps/thread/74426018?hl=en )
Hope That Helps.
I edited this comment removing the previous answer for the following reason:
This reply is repeated by a mistake
Before suggesting for removal, have you checked the following?
Nevertheless, if you can share the Maps links to the places, that will help in understanding the problem in a better manner.
Sorry for being late at the party @ABHISHEKMISHRA1 , and thanks for the tags @KashifMisidia , @chamodhk
You received a lot of interesting answers already, @ABHISHEKMISHRA1 , and the meaning of them is: What is obvious for us can be not so obvious for Maps. This is the reason why @C_T is asking you if the information about the two places are matching, and @MortenCopenhagen is sharing with you his experience about merging places.
This means that, before to attempt a merge, we have to check if it is possible to overlap the two places. If not, we will have to correct the differences first.
The first thing to check is indeed the category, and trying to merge places with different categories (e.g. bar Vs Restaurant)
Here below a part of the working flow a merge of a duplicate on which I am working right now
I used as a reference their website and social media, even if I know the place personally, as I was totally unaware of the duplicate.
A few more steps, and here we are: the two places are now merged
Of course checking if a place is claimed will help to understand if a merge is possible, and how to proceed.
The use of “send a feedback” will not help @chamodhk , as Google Maps need to be able to “verify” an edit through data that are publicly available. Our words are not enough, when a POI will have to be merged / closed. Behind a POI there are workers and customers, so Google must be careful when we ask to do that
I want to inform you that I just released your replies from spam quarantine. Our filter is working to protect the community and you from unwanted content, but sometimes it can be triggered by something and remove a legitimate post.Moderators are patrolling the quarantine to release the good post so, if your post has been rejected, don’t post it again. Simply tag a moderator (check here and here).
For more information you can read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
Thank you very much @ErmesT for your reply and extremely sorry for being foolish. As you know I am new to Connect and I thought my reply was removed by a my mistake. I would really grateful if you could remove my last reply and I cannot remove it.
Thanks again. Happy New Year.
I can’t remove replies written by other Local Guides @chamodhk , but I can ask a Google Moderator, @Giu_DiB to do this for you.
We learn every day from each other, so don’t worry about that
Hello @ErmesT , thanks for tagging me!
Hi @chamodhk , you are right, you cannot delete a post or a comment but you can edit it yourself, remove all the text and replace it with the following sentence “I edited this comment removing the previous answer for the following reason:…”. Then you can add the reason why.
I suggest you do it yourself this way, following these tips if needed: Edit your post - Why and How To.