I started this program about 1 years ago. Posting a place I went and Google asked me to make a review and then it sent me notifications about this places and it clearly sees how many people seen this post.
I do not consider myself to be a local celebrity in my country or in any city.I am just an middle class guy that really does love and enjoy to share experiences with all the people by using this program to connect more and more people.
The Sun Temple at Modhera is supposed to have been built by King Bhimdev I of the Solanki Dynasty. Yes, the same Bhimdev I, in whose memory the Rani ni Vav was built. Based on an inscription found in the Temple, it has been dated to 1026.
I could have spent the entire day just sitting on the steps and watch the play of sun and shadows creating interesting geometrical patterns, but the temple beckoned as well. I climbed up the steep steps leading to the temple from the Surya Kund as a devotee would have done centuries ago. The devotee would have passed through the Kirti Toranor a victory arch, but today only the pillars remain.
Finally i want to thank and great pleasure participating on this program.I believe that all of us that we are participating on this program is because we are doing something good for this community and we all deserved to be part of it.
Wish good luck to everyone and thanks Google for bringing this opportunity.