What does the Local Guides program mean to you?

To me, the Local Guides program is a great opportunity to engage with people from around the world, take part in cultural exchanges, and make good friends.

Local Guides program means friendship, giving back, and friendly competition and helping everyone around the world. The program has had a significant impact on my life since I got involved five years ago.

Through my involvement in the Local Guides program, I’ve made friends from far away places like Bangladesh, Italy, and Nigeria, to name just a few. I’ve never been a part of something so global before. Through the friends I’ve made, I’ve learned so much about culture and diversity.

Local Guides have introduced me to their customs, favorite treats, and passions.

Ultimately, this program celebrates our differences while also uniting us by what we have in common: our love for exploring and trying new things!

I love how being a Local Guide allows me to help others.

Specifically, I’ve been able to help small business owners by adding their locations to the map,

and I’m able to help their potential customers by leaving reviews to help guide their decisions.

One of my most helpful reviews, I have given for Maan Hotel & Restaurant, Alwar, Rajasthan India & Khachoe Residency, Ravangla, Sikkim.

Due to my pictures and reviews, these hotels are getting more guests and the owners of these hotels have personally called me and have thanked me for giving reviews.

I really liked it as I have never thought that my reviews and pictures will have so significant impact on people’s lives.

For me, Local Guide is a great companion to find new places and explore new restaurants, shopping malls, hotels. Local guides program keeps me motivated to find places and help others by leaving a review, adding photos and answering their questions.

Being a local guide, I can help small businesses to add their place to the Google Maps network and adding photos and reviews of their businesses. I use google maps many times a day by answering questions of people about a movie theater, restaurants, hotels, leaving ratings and reviews. It helps someone to know about the place beforehand – which seats are the best to watch the movie, which food items are a specialty of a restaurant, which hotels are the best in the area. It provides information to the people about the place they are visiting.

Local guides program is my identity, my job, and my life and my culture.

I haven’t imagined before that my reviews, pictures and the locations I have added to google maps will impact local business owners so much and I feel proud.

Thank you google and thank you Local Guides Program.

  1. Name: Anustup Gangopadhyay
  2. Location: Bhiwadi Rajasthan


Hi @Anustup11 ,

It looks like your post is part of your application for Connect Live 2020. You can read more about what makes a good Connect post in the How to write a great post for Connect Live 2020 article. If you think you are missing some of the points mentioned in the post above, you can always go back and edit it.

Please be advised that I moved your post to Local Stories, where applicants should submit their responses.

Thanks for your reply.

Please let me know how to edit it .

I am unable to edit this post

Hi @Anustup11 ,

Please keep in mind that you can edit your posts from the three dots in the left corner. Click on them, and you will see the option to edit your message. You can relabel your posts, add more information, and add tags if you think they are relevant.

By the way, when responding to others, make sure to tag them (by writing @ before their names) in a post, so they can receive notifications that you are communicating with them.

Hi @Anustup11 ,

Thank you for sharing your first post with us!

I have just released your post from the Spam Filters and I would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Our filters run 24/7 to protect the community and it seems that multiple edits can trigger them. You can visit this article to learn more: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

Since you are new, you might want to take a look at this interesting post too: 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

Hi @Giu_DiB @InaS

Thanks for your reply.

I accidentally posted two posts.

I hope my post about '“” What does the Local Guides program mean to you? “”" is not deleted now.

Please let me what to do know? Should I need to repost it or leave the earlier post?

As I have already submitted my application for Connect 2020 and I am now worried.

Please help

Hi @Anustup11 ,

As you can see, your post is now visible in Local Stories so there’s no need to repost it.

Have a nice day!

Hi @Giu_DiB

Thank you so much for sharing the information.

I am glad.

Thank you

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