What does the Local Guides program mean to you?

I’m always fascinated by Google since its beginning using and testing many of its products like mail, SketchUp, Google chrome, google earth and many others.
As a frequent traveler doing business for my company over the world, I’m using Google maps - even after testing many other competitors products- it is still the most reliable one worldwide,
Thank you guys and thanks to all local guides.
I was contributing to maps throw Mapmaker, very enthusiastic using it, I did start by adding my hometown local street, my primary school all the town facilities, businesses, rare entrainment, and parks! then for many places in morocco then the world sharing my travel experiences to Africa, Europe especially to countries like France, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Emirates, and many other countries.
I did feel being free and accountable for helping others.
Since the beginning of the maps experience, I’m keeping recording my timeline and sharing my location with my adorable wife.
Guess what, since then, Now one of my duties is reminding her to charge his phone battery.
one of the valuable stuff of the local guide program, I have reconnected with one old friend of my school that I lost his contact for years just by using comments on a location.

Thanks, guys for your time helping the world and making it more human.

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