We are living in times of great uncertainty, as if of all the things in the world, uncertainty has been globalised to the greatest possible extent, COVID-19 has put the world on “pause” button, as it wrecks havoc in all parts of the world, our prayers and support for each other is needed more than ever.
I came across the local guide program by accident through a friend of mine from Netherlands, when we met in India for a trip, He showed me how some of his photos have been featured on google maps and the kind of views each of these photos had. This really got me interested in the whole thing and i started looking up and eventually signed up for it.
The most defining feature for me is at the core of it the platform is acting a universal public archival of our times, lives, tastes, places and the way we live. We are in our own little ways creating digital histories of our our times, frame by frame, word by word in all that we do as google local guides.
This is how i look at the local guides program.