The local guide program encourages me to observe the details in the places I visit.
At the same time, provides for a platform for sharing my experience and the details captured by me to the world. Google Maps is a place where people of all religion, cast, race and creed join to find new roads! The local guide program is like finding the other perspective & sharing it with others through Google Maps, so that others can experience the same. After all, it is the ability to see and experience the other perspective is what differentiates one person from the other.
Presently I am a Google local guide of Level 8 with 17,226 points and 4842 contributions. Also, most of the time I am declared as the number one contributor in Google Maps in terms of reviews, picture of the places in and outside India, as per communication received from Google Maps.
I would like to maintain the same forever and keep guiding people to find new and beautiful places.