What does the Local Guides program mean to me?

People starting to pay attention to your posts… 15 000 people liked your photo… people find your rewievs useful…

I have been posting rewievs continuously for years because I really enjoyed to filter the bad places from the good ones. I am interested in people’s welfare, don’t even know why - maybe to make the world, make my country to be a better place. To make real values to discover. To fail the bad and the misleading. Really do not know why, I am just like that.

I wasn’t even care about LC program, I just thought it is a goof feature of Google Maps - until peopple started to pay attention to my opinions.

Then I got a letter from Google, that I may apply to the Connect Live 2020 Event… first time in my life I got feedback about what I am doing is right. It is like a miracle.

So, what does LG program means to me? It means rightfullness, true value of real thoughts.

Something like knights used to be.

Thank you for the opportunity to even be a part of it.


Hi @edankay ,

Have in mind that I will relabel your post to Local Stories, as it seems to me that this is your applications post for Connect Live 2020. Here you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for your Connect Live 2020 application. Don’t forget to review your final publication and make sure you are not missing any of the points mentioned. If you are - feel free to edit your publication from the three dots and add them.

For more information on the forum please check Your guide to Connect. Since you are a newbie in our community, I also recommend that you go through our program rules and help desk. Why not introduce yourself as well?