I had no plans as such. All of it happened suddenly when Google Maps asked me to rate some of the places i had visited. It was really fun giving details about the places I had visited and now whenever I visited a new place I had it mind that later that day I had to put a review of it.
Several months later I had this opportunity to join the Local Guide community and I thought to myself, why not? You know what, things changed post that. I realized that i had started to enjoy the places to the fullest, clicking pictures of each and every detail. Levels on local guide bumped fast .
Things really got accelarated when I came to Delhi for higher studies. Delhi has so many places to visit and tell people about. It keeps me motivated enough. Also one of my friends keeps taking me to new and exciting places.
Now answering the question that what this program really means to me. I have grown as a person with this program. I have started enjoying places and visiting more and more of it. Also the facts that my pictures and reviews help people is so soothing that even without rewards I would continue providing service because I enjoy it from my heart. Thanking Google for providing me with this opportunity which now has become my hobby!