In my life when I start my contribution to the Local Guides Program started recently and it is a very interesting activity which I inculcated myself to use more often. This habit led me to secure level (8) in the Local Guides Program at present and I hope to contribute more in the future as well.
Now my habit to search for information about the places where I go and when I see the information which is already available requires an update, addition, amendment, I do so by simply going to the Google guide. As a result, I see the most updated and accurate information is available in the Google guide when I search for information for new or existing places when I want to search or visit.
Being an active contributor to the Local Guides Program, I believe the people who search for information on places get the correct information and they become more knowledgeable about the searched places. This will definitely help them take more sensible decisions in advance if they are to visit such places. Accordingly, it will save peoples’ priceless time, money and energy.
Because of Google guide, I started my own Youtube channel and I will share the link of my channel as well. YouTube channel
In addition to updating details about places, the Local Guides Program allows its users to add missing information, add more photographs, add missing location, review places, etc. This will make all Googlers to keep the Google guide as most updated as possible with the current information with their experience in the places. I believe pluses and minuses of a place are important for a traveler or a visitor to evaluate the location prior to embarking.