What does the Local Guides program mean to me?

I’ve been on the Local Guides for a long time already and it makes me feel useful! Just as in my everyday job as a police officer, I can help and guide people. I can connect people and give them advice. I think it is amazing that the internet can create a community like this, based on reviews, photo’s,… just to help connect customers and (local) businesses.

I try to do so by writing long and very detailed reviews. I desribe the food, the sercive on table, the atmosphere,… most of the time it are positive reviews, but sometimes it is negative. If my review is not very positive, I try to reach out and give them some input to change. Most of the times I recieve an answer of the business that they appreciated my input and that they actually did change what I suggested!

I find it very rewarding to see that my photo’s have a high view rate. My most popular photo has over 82k views.

My most popular review has almost 6k views.

In my city, Ghent, Belgium, I’m one the 5% best Local Guides. It gives me he feeling that I matter. That what I do, can make a difference. It makes me feel positive about myself and the world we live in. It makes me believe that we, as a community, can change the world.

11 years ago, I made a very basic and primitive Promo-Video for my city, Ghent. You can say it was my very first Local Guide-thing I ever did. I’d like to share it with you, so you can experience the beauty of the Local Guides yourself.


Aha, een local guide uit Gent! Wist je dat we daar, in juni vorig jaar, de 2nd European Meetup hebben gehouden? Normaal gesproken zou de 3de begn mei in Munchen doorgaan, maar die is uiteraard geannulleerd in deze Corona-tijden.

Veel succes met de Connect Live kandidatuur @Jokevandam & groeten uit Hamme.

@JanVanHaver , dat wist ik niet. Jammer! Als trotse Gentenaar zou ik dat gewéldig hebben gevonden :slightly_smiling_face:

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Er komen nog wel gelegenheid @Jokevandam

@Jokevandam volgende zaterdag is er een virtuele meetup in het Nederlands. Je vindt alle details hier

Ook een level 6 uit Gent :slightly_smiling_face: :wave:t2:

Mijn meest populaire foto is jammergenoeg niet in Gent, maar van een state park in Hawaii met meer dan een miljoen views :sweat_smile: https://goo.gl/maps/Apjj8xLw2wSLr8WY9