What does the Local Guides program mean to me

The Local Guide is a great democratic tool to share and contribute to making places more visible with your personal experience. I love the community angle and the fact that it’s not about us guides but about the places we review (as opposed to other platforms which are more individualistic). It feels very exciting to be able to give a sincere opinion, to praise people who have offered you an amazing service, and to add beautiful imagery to support your review.

I eat out a lot, for my job and as a passion. I travel as much as I can and love photography. The Google Guides enable me to share my photography with the world, and to help both users discover destinations through my lens and business owners promote their products and experiences.

Also, my friends and colleagues constantly ask me for tips (hotels, restaurants, activities etc) when they are planning their travels, so instead of re-writing all my tips each time, I create Google Maps lists and share them. This is so much easier and can be helpful to many more users.

As we are in confinement times, I am sharing a photo I took during my last trip, to give hope for all of us to be able to travel soon again!