I adore the Local Guides program, the challenge of voting and commenting is addicting! It gives you a chance to contribute, to help people from all around the world when they are planning next travel or just looking for a place to have fun.
When I started to receive feedback from my reviews, I realized that this is actually helping someone. I’ve got a question from a restaurant owner: “What should I do to get my restaurant at 5?”. I told him what I did not like as a visitor so hopefully he took remarks on that.
Recently we visited York for a Viking wedding (we have a picture together with the bride, yeah!). It is amazing place with history around every corner. Every minute was a joy, something I have a chance to share exactly as a local guide.
Now, when I am staying at home because of the pandemia, I travel back in time and appreciate how important is to be free, to go wherever you want to go. I am pretty sure this will pass by soon and we will start travelling again, more charged and thrilled by the next adventure.
#stayAtHome #surviveNowtoHaveAChancetoTravelAgain
PS: My favorite author is Steinback This is the reason why I love California!