What does the Local Guides program mean to me

I adore the Local Guides program, the challenge of voting and commenting is addicting! It gives you a chance to contribute, to help people from all around the world when they are planning next travel or just looking for a place to have fun.

When I started to receive feedback from my reviews, I realized that this is actually helping someone. I’ve got a question from a restaurant owner: “What should I do to get my restaurant at 5?”. I told him what I did not like as a visitor so hopefully he took remarks on that.

Recently we visited York for a Viking wedding (we have a picture together with the bride, yeah!). It is amazing place with history around every corner. Every minute was a joy, something I have a chance to share exactly as a local guide.

Now, when I am staying at home because of the pandemia, I travel back in time and appreciate how important is to be free, to go wherever you want to go. I am pretty sure this will pass by soon and we will start travelling again, more charged and thrilled by the next adventure.

#stayAtHome #surviveNowtoHaveAChancetoTravelAgain

PS: My favorite author is Steinback :wink: This is the reason why I love California!


Hi @bellfield82

Welcome to Connect. And thanks for sharing. Have you had a chance to take a look at “Your guide at to connect.”? It’s a good starting point for this forum.

By the way, are you applying for Connect Live 2020 with this post? If so, as part of the requirement, you need to write the post under Local Stories topic.

Check out this How to write a great connect live post for more information.

You can edit your post/message. Click that three dots and select “Edit Message” as shown in below screenshot.

Once in edit mode, select local stories as Topic. You can only select one topic.

Good luck

OMG @bellfield82 you actually survived a viking attack :wink:

It looks like your post was accidentally caught in our spamfilter (which is pretty strict here; it can be triggered even by simply making edits to a recently published post). I have now released it from the spam folder.

If you’re new to Connect, this post will probably be a good starting point. Best of luck with your application for Connect Live!