What does the Local Guides program mean to me?

Hello, my name is Amanda. I´m a level 5 Local Guide and to be totally honest, I didn’t know I was a Local Guide when I first started to write reviews and share photos of places. At the very beginning, I did it as a hobby but then, when I started to use it to plan my own trips, I discovered that my contributions could have a tangible impact for the Local Guides’ community!

For me, Local Guides is a platform where dreams are not only created but also achieved with the help of travelers from all around the world. Other Local Guides’ advice has helped me prepare my trips by ensuring that I never miss out on the iconic places in the destinations I will be visiting. Additionally, their recommendations provide insights to have an authentic experience from a local’s perspective. Following my travels, I like to share my adventures in order to help people create their own memories that will bring them happiness and will always make them smile.

I use the Local Guides program because I love to share and look for places with a rich history. By far my favorite has been Salzburg, Austria (please find my pictures below).

Through my experience as a Local Guide, I can undoubtedly say that this program has fostered a community of enthusiastic people willing to collaborate and help others reach their dreams.


Content removed as it was an accidental duplicate :sweat_smile:


Hi Amanada( @Luisamanda ), Lovely pics.

Welcome to Connect. And thanks for sharing. Have you had a chance to take a look at “Your guide at to connect.”? It’s a good starting point for this forum.

By the way, are you applying for Connect Live 2020 with this post? If so, as part of the requirement, you need to write the post under Local Stories topic.

Check out this How to write a great connect live post for more information.

You can edit your post/message. Click that three dots and select “Edit Message” as shown in below screenshot.

Once in edit mode, select local stories as Topic. You can only select one topic.

Good luck

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Hello @sparekh ! Thanks for the tips

Hi @Luisamanda

Welcome to Local Guides Connect the official Google Local Guides community.

For your information, I have just released your post from the spam folder and it is now accessible. Some posts are automatically marked as spam, sorry for the inconvenience.

If you want to understand, please have a look at this post: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?.

As you are new, here is one of my favorite post full of tips for using connect : https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Help-Desk/14-helpful-tips-for-using-Connect/ba-p/1238710

I hope it helps!

Good luck for your application!


PS: if you want to speak to anyone on connect, don’t forget to mention the person with @+ username. The person will get notifications as you just have received.


Hello @Julien44 thanks a lot!I thought the post was deleted :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @Luisamanda you might have wondered what happened to the first post you wrote, as that all of a sudden disappeared, right? Well, actually, it was accidentally caught in our spam filter (which is quite strict out here). I have now released it and merged it with your other post, to avoid that your Connect account would get flagged as spammer.

The result is that the content of your first post is now added as a comment to your second post. If you want, you can remove the content of that comment by clicking the ‘…’ at the bottom of the comment and then simply removing the content there (or replace it with something like “content removed as it was an accidental duplicate”).

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Hello @JanVanHaver thanks a lot

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  • @Luisamanda certainly that is how we started many and over time we see how we make an impact on thousands of people and it becomes so satisfying to do something for others, that it becomes a passion … beautiful photographs!*
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@Robert24 thanks for ypur comment. I totally agree, it has become a passion

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hi @Luisamanda

You are now level 6 local guide. Congratulations! Best wishes for you. :heart::heart:


Thanks @Saiyen

Best wishes for you too!

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