What does the Local Guides program mean to me?

My name is Denis. I live in Kyiv region (Ukraine).

Well, first of all, it is a typical human feature to join and complement, while seeing someone describes the place you have just visited.

And the most key point I think, is to imagine someone in a single trip appearing somewhere for the first time: there should be really lots of questions in his/her head! And while opening GoogleMaps, you can suddenly find enough amount of information about it. This is just due to the LocalGuides contribution. So, I can vividly remember all my points of such a panic in unknown place. And how helpful were all that LocalGuide tips and prompts for me; and how useful are they while planning another voyage.

(I hope, I hope that my GoogleMaps contribution came in handy for someone)

Alas, usually I do not know what exactly could be helpful for travelers…
That is why my activity is too moderate: just 6th grade for two years ? For that time I visited 4 countries and made hundreds and hundreds of photos, but majority of them are just sorted and kept within my PC…

May be I need some more inter-travelling communication experience for all this stuff ?


Hello @Den_King it looks like your post was accidentally caught in our spamfilter (which is pretty strict here; it can be triggered even by simply making edits to a recently published post). I have now released it from the spam folder.

If you’re new to Connect, this post will probably be a good starting point.

Dear @JanVanHaver , I’m very thankful for Your assistance!

As far as I understand Your comment, it is not recommended here to edit ones posts while published? <:-(
It is bad, because I usually do mistakes even in official documents. It is important for me to have a chance to edit or correct anything I post…

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Editing posts as such is possible and allowed @Den_King , but the problem is that for newly registered users the spamfilter is very sensitive.

In this particular case it was probably a combination of the fact that you are quite new on the platform and then edited your post shortly after publishing it. That looks very similar to what a spammer might do: create an account here and then publish a post that is meant to contain a link to some website (s)he wants to promote but not actually include the link, because posts with a link are a possible-spam indication. And then, once the post was published, edit the post to include that link.

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