- The Local Guides have allowed me to show to the world some wonderful places in Peru, where I’m from.
- A coountry of friendly people and great gastronomic weealth and thaht also has the blessing of opposing almost all microclimates at any times of the year.
- I can show to the world thatt Perú has a wide coastline washed by beautiful beaches, a great muntain range that crosses it from north to south and a wide jungle that shows a beatifull and varied vegetation in addition to its rich fauna
- Perú also counts with interesting archeological spaces to show us the Pre-Inca times, the Inca Empire, the spanish occupation and modern avances.
- We are headquarters of the great Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu, the mysterious Nasca Lines, The inmense Amazon River among its many places to visit an is my intention to show all the places that i can
- It has also allowed me to interact with Local Guides from different parts of the world an learn about the riches of each of them.
- Local Guides offer a great opportunity to get to know the world in a virtual way and see its riches an, if god allows it, i will to visit them one day
- To the brothers of the world i say that i would love to be able receive you sometime and show you something of my country a make you try our food as well as tell you a little about our history…
- It would also be great to be chosen to participate in Connect Live 2020to exchanges experiences and information on how to improve our pubications
- A big hug for everyone and if I am not chosen i will be sure that those who are present will have a wonderfull experience.
- blessing an good luck to each and everyone of the participants
Hi @Lizardo
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