What does the Local Guides program mean to me

Dear friends,

Today I would like to share my experience in Local Guides with you. I have suddenly realised that my cooperation with the Local Guides program is now a long-standing habit. Approximately five years ago I discovered that the majority of my favourite places in my native town Tartu did not have any feedback on `Google Maps. Moreover, some places were completely absent from it. I decided that I had something to say about the town where I had been living for years.

I started with the spots on Google Maps that I visited most frequently by adding and developing relevant information. I corrected the working hours of the institutions, completed the exact addresses of the locations and provided other important details. I have been doing that ever since. In my opinion, if I expect accurate information from Google Maps, I have to make my own contribution to make this system better and more effective. I understand that such actions are useful for our society. Many people plan their day-to-day activities relying on information on Google Maps. It is absolutely crucial that details found on Local Guides are up to date. If a particular business is currently closed or has changed its location, visitors should be aware of that. It will help them save time, money and fuel (and by spending less fuel – cause less damage to the environment).

I strongly believe that if everyone takes the trouble to check and fix the Google Maps information in his/her own country, we will all benefit from it. Especially tourists. They will enjoy their trips without additional stress. For example, when I was traveling in Bulgaria three years ago, I managed to visit so many attractions only because Google Maps were there for me. Later I learned that I, too, can add information to Google Maps while traveling.

I am glad to be a part of this great project – the Local Guides program.