When I was in High School (like in 2012), I participated in an international camp at my school where people around the world (mostly USA people) went there and teach us different things from different topics for two days. These people needed a place to stay during the camp, so, I convinced my mom to host two persons at my home.
After finishing our activities in school, I was in charge to take my home guest on a tour and take them to know my city. I remember that I loved taking them to my favourite places, recommended them places to eat, to visit, etc. They were in love with my beautiful town.
After finishing those days, they had to go back to their respective homes and that marked a before and after of my life. Since then, I got some love for sharing my reviews on places I’ve been, places that I love and why not, places that I didn’t like so much.
I used to had a blog (which dumbly I deleted some years ago) with reviews of things and places that I liked. After closing it, I became some kind of addicted to giving reviews of the things I bought on Amazon, Wish and Aliexpres.
Before moving to Germany, I discovered Google Guides and I started doing some reviews, but it was when I arrived in Germany when I started posting more.
Google Guides has changed my life, becoming part of it and a kinda best friend, every time I want to go to someplace I always search for other users reviews and of course, I try to give mine every time I go to someplace here in Germany.
To be honest, I didn’t know that my reviews were helping other people until some months ago and that motivates me to work more to help more people. I love to help others