What does the Local Guides Program mean to me...

I was born and raised in NYC. After leaving the military, I lived in several cities. When I first arrived in the current city I reside in, I immediately felt at home. The city of Dayton, Ohio has been so welcoming to me and my family. Becoming a local guide gives me the opportunity to give back to this city. I get the chance to highlight the places residents and visitors should frequent.

Dayton is also a small city. Everyone knows one another. It is not rare for a local business to be owned by a close friend. Being a Google guide gives me a chance to help them out with their business. While google reviews are extremely helpful, I find that pictures go a long way. Like anything on the net, the more pictures one has the more views that review will receive. This helps local businesses on so many levels.

Being a Google local guide is a great way for me to give back to my community especially one that has helped me in so many ways. The local guides program helps foster the relationships between businesses and their communities. It helps provide feedback to business owners directly from the customers. It gives potential customers several viewpoints via pictures posted by Google guides.

Finally, I want my city to be on the map. Dayton is known for being the home of the Wright brothers. Flying began in my city. It is also the home of the US Air Force Museum. Dayton is also the capital of the Funk Music genre. Very few people outside of Dayton know this. This is part of our history and through the Google guides program, I want to change that.