I discovered the Local Guides program back in 2018 after coming back from my first trip outside Kenya, infact, it was my first trip outside my home county… it was really a big deal and a very liberative moment in my life.
Through Local Guides, I am able to relieve my desired travel fantasies because once I see myself in a destination that was inspired by a picture through Local Guides, I feel like, Yes! This is liberation! This is what life should be about!.. and more so, sharing this experience and rising in levels is a very sweet process, it gives my life a lot of inner fulfillment and joy!
Local Guides program has helped me research, plan and envision on my trips and the ease of accessibility by public transport, before I set out to journeys especially those that involve crossing borders. I love to make sure that my offline maps are also downloaded incase my data bundles get finished.
On Local Guides, I am able to share my full raw travel experience from the instant I board the public buses, to arriving at my destination. I am able to post my border crossing experiences and my interaction with people from across the borders. Obviously I’ll do recommended activities shared by other Local Guides and in the process, I’ve ended up experiencing beautiful cultures, eat yummy food and made new friends,all thanks to Local Guides.
Now, 4 countries later, many cities and as a level 6 Local guide, this is my platform to help liberate my fellow agemates and small community to travel more because through my simple shared experiences. Good thing is that Local Guides is easy and Direct!
With that, my small community is able to grasp the freedom that comes with traveling. Every month we are able to compare our emails on monthly timeline updates and how active one was during the month…if much wasn’t done, we usually plan a small trip by the help of recommendations on Local Guides.
Local Guides keeps us always in check!! This in turn leads to a richer bonding times and travel life.
I appreciate the way Local Guides program is a Source of Oneness. It brings together People from all walks of life. My initial goal when I started my simple traveling life was to create awareness to my fellow Africans and show them that they don’t have to wait for some massive financial breakthrough in order to travel and cross borders…Through Local Guides I am able to inspire Africans to board a bus to go explore, and still have a rich travel experience, as they enlighten the rest of the world on the beauty the day to day Africa.
Personally to me, Local Guides program lends a big hand in Promoting African tourism in Africa by Africans themselves and this basically creates a woke society.