What does the local guides program mean to me: It's freedom

I came across the local guide when I was passing through depression and life was hard for me. I was working in a place that I had no freedom to relax or do anything. I worked weekends as well. I also never had public holidays. So how I stumbled on Google guide was when I updated my phone and they asked for my review, when I uploaded on my Google drive after I went hiking at a particular location and I was like okay. The more I posted pictures and gave reviews the more I noticed I grew in my level. I felt glad that I was adding value and I was being recognised for my contribution and input. I felt appreciated for once for something I love doing, travelling and touring has always been a dream . Local guide makes it look like a fun fare. Share with the world your experience and let others connect. I recently joined the Abuja Google guide and I have learnt alot about . How to grow my level and what I need to do, recently I got my socks.

It felt like I won an award . Thank you google guide . I felt useless and worthless but you guys give me a reason to smile and travel again

I only hope my application is accepted


Hello @Wadewilliam ,

Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.


Thank you.

@Wadewilliam great publication, it is very satisfying those 570 photos that you have shared with everyone, go ahead and congratulations!
I invite you to vote for my idea:

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