Local Guides Program means EVERYTHING to me. It has kept me encouraging and motivating to use as well as enhance my photography skills. Although, I have discussed my photography topic in detail in my prompt video so I would like to write on other topics here. The another most interesting part for me in this Program is to Add Places and Edit Places. As an Architect cum Transport Planner, I understand the importance of finding a place on Google Maps with correct name, exact location, working hours, etc. I have added as well as edited many new places on the maps which were marked with different or incorrect name / address / location / timings, etc.
In my point of view, correct name, location marking and other details of a Place is the most important and critical part of Google Maps as it can be troublesome to find-out or reach-out that place if that is not marked or marked incorrectly. Kindly refer below image showing my contribution for the same:
I think this is the basic concept behind the discovery of Google Maps: To guide and help the users to find and reach to their destination without any delay and inconvenience. I feel eternal happiness when my contribution helps the map users and increases their convenience to reach to their destinations. I hope you all will agree with me and find it an interesting as well as helpful topic.
In addition, I have an idea cum suggestion for Google Maps for integrating Environmental Parameters like “Air Quality Index (AQI)” in their Maps’ features. I am talking about it because I live in India and many metropolitan and urban cities in my country are suffering from high level of Air as well as Noise Pollution.
It would be great to integrate these features in Google Maps for recommending paths / routes with least noise and/or air pollution along with shortest / fastest route especially for pedestrians, bikers or auto-rickshaws who are the primary sufferers. It will definitely help India and other countries / cities having severe pollution issues. I hope concerned officials will look into it and find it useful. As an Architect cum (Urban and Transport) Planner, I am very much interested to explore these kind feature and would like to help to resolve these and other similar issues in the world.
Thanks & Regards,
Rohit Anand
Local Guide