What does the Local Guides program mean to me: A Big Connection

At first, I like to share delicious food and beautiful spots for my friends and family. Accidently, I joined the Local Guides program to write two reviews about B&B. I have no idea how can I have a significant impact on network society. I am only a local guide for three months. To me, being a Local Guide means a big connection.

My first two reviews

Connection with Family

At the time, my family knew I am a local guide. They searched for many restaurants and places that we have not been there before. I can write reviews about new places. They also wait for me to take the photos on food when the meals come to the table. Be a Local Guide makes me and my family closer together.

Connection with restaurants

Sharing my reviews on google, sometimes, I can get the feedback on the restaurants. I am happy that they really read the review. I think giving reviews can help restaurants to improve their meals, environment, and service.

The first time, I got feedback on the restaurant.

Connection with Google

I am excited to be the first one to write the review and be the first one to post the pictures on google. One day, I got an email from google “Your review is very helpful.” Only one review, I got 117 people to see it. That made me want to improve my photo technology and made more comments on reviews.

The first email got from Google.

Connection with people all over the world

People travel around the world. When we come to a new restaurant, we are not sure about the best meal in this restaurant. It has so many dishes on the menu. What should we choose? People usually search the internet with phones and take a look at the photos which is the most direct response by eyes. After I am a Local Guide, I hope people can find food and places they like. Sharing is the beginning of joy.

Connection with City

I think that be a Local Guide can perk up the local economy. We can bring more tourists to visit the city.

Connection with Earth

I am also often share information that Google wants us to update or revise, like open time and address. I can help someone who need that information, and not to go to the wrong place or incorrect time many times. I think that I can save energy and reduce carbon for earth.