What does the local guide program mean to me?

This local guide program has meant in my life, the opening to new experiences, to publicize my hometown Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia.
Understand that the world in this century is connected to each other, among many hearts that we want to grow, we want to contribute our own grains of sand to make this path much better from an economic, cultural and social point of view.
To be a local guide is not simply to review a place and now, it goes beyond a simple photo or a qualification, to be a local guide is to give heart and life to a city, it is to show it to the world with the eyes of a person who has lived all its life. life in that locality, is to deliver a part of ourselves to all this virtual omunity.
So more than a meaning it is a whole lifestyle, it is to grow and love our world, it is to change, it is to live.


Hi @wandresbl

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