This local guide program really mean a lot to me, it all started a day, I made use of my google map to locate a particular venue,which I was trying so hard to find,so as I was searching helplessly with no avail, Alas, I found the place through a,local guide within me, He made a review of that particular venue which I was finding it hard to get,and that review is just what I needed, so i thanked the local guide. Then I went ahead to sign up as a local guide too so that I can be able to help so many other helpless people out there who I might be of help too. since then I was
committed to review places in my state, tho I haven’t traveled alot, but with the little places I have been to am glad to review, recommend and share with others who would love to visit too.
The photo above was taken by me, it was a new ice cream venue that was just newly opened,so as a local guide, I quickly to the photo of the place, added that place to the google map and then uploaded the photo to the added place on the map.And it has helped so many many people who trying to locate this place. Am really honored being a local guide as I feel like a local celebrity from inside .
I would love to be among those that will be selected to partake on the local guides connect 2020. Thank you.
This local guide program really mean a lot to me, it all started a day, I made use of my google map to locate a particular venue,which I was trying so hard to find,so as I was searching helplessly with no avail, Alas, I found the place through a,local guide within me, He made a review of that particular venue which I was finding it hard to get,and that review is just what I needed, so i thanked the local guide. Then I went ahead to sign up as a local guide too so that I can be able to help so many other helpless people out there who I might be of help too. since then I was
committed to review places in my state, tho I haven’t traveled alot, but with the little places I have been to am glad to review, recommend and share with others who would love to visit too.
The photo above was taken by me, it was a new ice cream venue that was just newly opened,so as a local guide, I quickly to the photo of the place, added that place to the google map and then uploaded the photo to the added place on the map.And it has helped so many many people who trying to locate this place. Am really honored being a local guide as I feel like a local celebrity from inside .
I would love to be among those that will be selected to partake on the local guides connect 2020. Thank you .
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