What does Local Guide Program mean to me!

I love to travel, so if am travelling to a place or going to a restaurant the first thing that I do is look into the reviews and pictures of the place. I know how god damn helpful it can be.

I signed up for local guide and started reviewing the places and I was surprised to know that I was helping millions of people and local business. I am indeed happy helping a lot of travellers, local community and local business. To help them see what I see and to give the best of each and every place. Answering user questions is something that I really look into because you are instantly helping a person who is looking for some kind of information.

I am so proud being a local guide, every time when you receive a mail saying thanks for helping millions of people it motivates me to write and add new input. This makes me really passionate about what I do and get into the details of many places like answering the questions about accessibility, checking facts and editing information of the place. This makes Google maps more user friendly and help millions of people around the world.