This is me above D. Mitra local guide level 6 , Mumbai, India. Around three years back when i was on road trip stumbled upon this place where there was upcoming park and they did not let me in as it was officially not open. So i went to the adjoining under construction building climbed 9 floors ( in few floors lot of steps were missing so don’t ask me how i managed) put my mobile cam with support of bricks and steel rods with timer on and got the above pic.
The words ‘Local Guide’ was bit confusing to me at first but slowly as i researched it more and more i started developing intrest. The first few I did was just for fun, but soon realised that those comments and photo of mine helps not only businesses of others to grow but also common people who seek something new and unique . so I started taking this seriously and putting effort in creating good content.
What I love about being local guide is to explore unique places and also as an opportunity to help others and connect with them as well local guide in many ways has directly and indirectly motivated me to open my mind in exploring new places where as maps have always guided me on right time in various situations without which I would have never come across unexplored unique places.
Every year I specially take road trip by car in time of festival of colors named Holi in India , its best opportunity to interact with new people, and last year met this pretty lady in a beautiful garden and witnessed sunset sitting near fountain, all thanks to google maps. My favourite theme to explore by maps and local guide is either historical or nature. I always try to go where no one usually goes in order to find a perfect spot or a beautiful a piece of land , an untouched pond or could be when an unexplored cave.
Being a local Guide has brought me much joy and it means a lot to me . Attending Connect 2020 will be an honor and a dream come true to meet up our community people face to face. Local guide has made me to be aware of my environment and everywhere I go i keep wearing that invisible google lens in my eyes to seek unique things with an aim of bringing in attention to things and places on board via google maps so the whole world can benefit.