Hello, I am Ankit . I am an electrical engineer. Currently living in Goa,India.I graduated in year 2019.
I am a proud local guide level-7. I started my journey as a local guide in the year 2019. I had an amazing journey so far. I lived in not so famous and developed places, so I had alot of opportunity to explore and promote about my place and surrounding and I found about local guide program,both started resonating after some time and now here I am trying my best to contribute more and more. Right now due to covid-19 I am not going out ,still trying to capture best moments from my room and roof,balcony .
Because once you be a part of this community you can’t stop. It’s addictive. I can’t express in words how much local guide program mean to me. Here I can express myself, what I feel about something , my opinion on any topic, even if I am wrong , I have brilliant minds to correct me and then comes the learning part. It never stops. Whatever you post ,surely you will get suggestions to improve. No post is perfect and no post is garbage. Each and every photo, each and every review, each and every suggestion have its value and impact on people and the community we live in. By involving people to be a part of improvement Google is doing a great work. Local guide program is really fantastic initiative, it helps and provides local people platform to tell and promote their places ,get recognition. This way people are able to understand and enjoy the mystery and beauty of a particular place. I have felt these things and experienced it. With every review and post my quality of posts improved. I always get suggestions in my comment section ,that this need improvement this was the mistake, this is how you can improve. So , I find local guide program as an integral part of my life. I always wanted to work for an NGO, help people and this initiative is providing me opportunity to do the same. I help local businesses by adding them and discussing about their best things ,their accurate opening and closing time, exact what they sell and the quality of the service. This feels really satisfactory at the end of the day. This is what makes life beautiful. From the start only, I had a habbit of taking pictures , but it was just consuming my memory like scrap asset, but now it feels satisfying, but now I can justify myself. I motivate my nearby people and my friends to do the same. When I was in raipur , I used to visit different places and write reviews about that. Doing this in 1 year I visited almost all restaurants in my area which I was unable to do in my last 3 years. This program motivates to go one extra mile. Now I live in Goa ,here without Google maps I am helpless , I travelled most of the famous places in Goa, right now I am focusing on the places which are not on Google maps. That’s the responsibility of a local guide, that’s the point where me and my fellow local guides game starts.
Over the past 1 and half year as a local guide I earned many badges.
1)expert reviewer
2)expert photographer
3)novice trailblazer
4)novice director
And currently movimg towards being a proud local guide level -8 with 11000+ points and under top 1% local guide in my area.
One of the best things which this local guides program propagates is the suggestions , regarding menu which dish is best in that particular restaurant, by that only I tried a lot of new dishes.
Another awesome feature of this program is the monthly updates ,like how many news views ,new places I visited, how many kilometers I walked by foot and by vehicle, how many people I helped and how many benefitted through my posts. This is really insightful. This initiative is a great asset to me.
This program or say initiative have boosted my self confidence and self worth.
It creates new relations,new friendships, bind two people and many more.
Even after a tiring day at work, this is what motivates me to go out and savour my me time at nice places trying different things.
So ,this is what local guide program mean to me
This is heartwarming to read.
The local guides program has helped people from hundreds of mile away, connect to people all over the world.
That I agree.
My best wishes on your application @Ankit2906
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Yes it was. I had a great time
https://youtu.be/P_rnHK49nj0 is the link.
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@Ankit2906 amazing post bro and best of luck on your application! I believe I have the best tour guide anytime I visit India.
@AlphaSays thanks a lot bro.
And yes, do visit India after this lockdown. I will be there.
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