What does local guide mean to me

What does the Local Guides program mean to me: Self Growth. Life record. Sharing.

My journey as a local guide started about half a year ago and I have been extremely passionate about it until now.

The reason why I started to share my experience on Google Maps was really personal, which was to improve my writing skills in English since I am not a native English speaker.

I was re-located to New York by my company four years ago and I was really lacking professional writing skills at work. In order to force myself to keep writing, I needed to find something matches my interest and keeps me motivated.

I am a true foodie and love to try new restaurants, so I discovered what my passion is- writing reviews for dining experiences.

Hence, for me, the first meaning of being a local guide is self growth. It is not only a way to improve my writing skills but also a way to explore new places, new food and how to evaluate personal feelings or eliminate bias.

I feel a sense of accomplishment when I look back to all the reviews I wrote or the photos I took. They are all the records of my daily life, whether it’s sweet or bitter.

I don’t really have a diary so these are my type of dairy to cherish the memorable moments in life. When I want to share my experience of a trip to my friends, I can easily search on Google Maps and show my reviews and photos on my phone, of course with additional description and personal stories in person.

The best thing is, if my friends are interested in a place, we can have more information about that place as a reference on Google Maps, which is efficient.

I use Google Maps all the time to check information, reviews and photos before planning a trip, event, even only for a meal.

If I am not traveling I must be planning my next trip using google map.

Google Maps is like a database built from all local guides’ effort, which helps me a lot in my daily life so I would like to be part of the contributors and keep it sustainable.

There is an old saying from Chinese, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” When I receive appreciation from business owners or “like” from other users, I really feel proud of myself and that motivates me to work harder.

I love being a local guide because I get to sharing my experience, for better or for worse, with everyone around the world.

“If I am not traveling, I must be planning my next trip using google map.”


@Wei929 Nice job on your post! :grinning:


Hi @Wei929 !

This posts are great, not only to apply for CL20 but to get to know the local guides better :grinning:

I love yours and the photo collages are superb.

BTW, your writing skills are fantastic :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3: you have reached your goal!

Greetings from the South of Spain,



Excellent post.


@Ale_003 Thank you for your compliments :+1:


Hi @AlejandraMaria

Thank you so much for your compliments.

I am so glad to see your reply since I am a fan of your post :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Greetings from New York and hope I will visit southern of Spain shortly. Stay safe and healthy.


so interestin!


@MortenCopenhagen Thank you so much for your reply :+1:


Excellent post, I really enjoyed reading your self growth journey


@maxituc Thank you so much for your compliments :+1:

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@fasi6083 Thank you so much for your compliments and I will keep working on it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thank you for sharing your experiences as local guide here with us on connect.

I wish you great SUCCESS and Goodluck with your application for connect live 2020.

Best regards And Stay safe amid this Pandemic disease.



Thank you very much and I am touched by your insight. Honestly share whether worse are good to the community. :india: :boom:

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@rizbab28 Thank you so much for your compliments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am trying to share as much my knowledge as possible even not that much.

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I can relate so much to your story @Wei929 , especially in how the program has inspired self growth. As a writer, it definitely has improved mine and it is pretty cool now thinking about GMaps as a diary in a way - recollecting good times and sharing them with others so that they can have the same, great experiences as well. Really think it is cool that you used the program to become more comfortable with English - very inspiring!


@SP31 @Thank you so much for your compliments that also motivated me to keep working on GMap and share on connect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thank you very much, what you see, where you like to travel, what you like to eat just your opinion, share and keep sharing. :pray: :purple_heart: :tulip: :purple_heart: :pray:

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@rizbab28 @Definitely I will keep sharing :+1:

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Cheers !! :loudspeaker:

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Your ambition and the work of your local guide deserves respect.
You are not only good at English writing skills but also good at writing composition and word sense.

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