Being a local guide is something that I hold close to my heart. To me it means sharing my honest experiences with everyone that is willing to listen. Whenever I post a review, rating or pictures, it’s because I have put a lot of thought behind it. Whenever I reach a new destination, it always starts out with five stars in my mind. Depending on how it goes from there, is up to the overall experience that I have from that establishment. I believe that most places are great and they are there for a reason so I always try to go into a new place with a fresh non-biased mentality, no matter what their average rating is. I love stumbling into new places that friends/family have told me about, just as much as I love discovering new places that are ‘under the radar’ that I can bring much deserved exposure to. The main reason I love being a local guide is because I feel like my opinion matters. I know that I can help others by exposing them to this type of lifestyle because being a local guide is a lifestyle; one that I enjoy very much and that I will continue to do so throughout my life. Encouraging people to explore places they may have never thought of before, as well as helping local businesses thrive is something I am very passionate about. I hope to inspire others to get more involved in their communities and throughout their travel experiences.