I only know these 4 initiatives.
OneAccessibility Project
#Local Guides Clean The World
#Local Guides Clean The Map (LGCTM)
#Worldwide Water Quality Map
Is there any others initiatives?
I am don’t talk about challenges.
I only know these 4 initiatives.
#Local Guides Clean The World
#Local Guides Clean The Map (LGCTM)
#Worldwide Water Quality Map
Is there any others initiatives?
I am don’t talk about challenges.
Hello @KishorMali
I believe contributing to Maps is a fun cum leisure activity.
Nevertheless, Anyone is welcome to start a new endeavour towards that contribution.
However, I feel amused when someone starts talking about goals, directions, targets, initiatives and whatnot.
Well. @C_T
I raising this question, because I want to know that is am I missing any other initiatives?
My in my recent post,
I wrote the initiatives of local guides, so if any other initiatives is existing, so based on the fellow local guides answer, I will add it to my recent post.
@KishorMali that is good, I did not know any other beside these initiatives.