

HI @ericmthedj

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

Thank you for sharing this amazing photo with us. What camera did you use to capture this image? Can you share a bit more information about the place and your experience while taking these photos I think it will be interesting for the other Local Guides?

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@ericmthedj incredible picture! How did you do to take this picture as you were so close?


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Hi, I used Macro mode on my Samsung Galaxy Note 9. It has an incredible camera. I don’t think I could have taken the same shot with my SLR without a lot of set-up beforehand.

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Wow, It is very nice shot @ericmthedj Thank you for your information.

Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

Have a nice day, I am waiting to see your new post telling us about your experience here.