Welcome to Yaounde "Biyamassi" IV

Welcome to Yaounde “Biyamassi” IV. Where the night :night_with_stars: is day to many. Behold the contrast of colours and bloom you’d only witness when the night falls. You may stay awake 3 - to - 5 days for time only flies when you notice the wrinkle below the pupils. Where every other day is filled with every other surprise we love . The trees, the park, the church, the club, the pub, and everything. The best time is when the mornings come. The cork crows from a distance and near and from within. Life begins for some continues for others and end for others. We all pay the price of our fragile humanity. Nothing yet stops the joy and aspirations for a brighter future. We all take a lip of faith to a beautiful promise where there’s more than what the physical can comprehend. We love we lost we fall and we rise, but above all we’re great by grace.