Welcome to the new and improved Connect!

It’s always a pleasure @AngieYC to share thoughts and emotions with the friends of Connect. Thanks for the kind reply.

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Hola, que genial actualización. Un saludo a los administradores y usuarios.

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: i love it

Such a fresh new look!!! Congrats! :smile:

It looks awesome. I really find it very interesting. Congratulations to all the Connect users.

கனெக்ட் புதிய:leaves::sweat_drops: பரிமாண அழகுக்கு மகிழ்ச்சி. :sparkling_heart::sparkles:
@Julie_A .

Google Maps Team have done a really great job!!
New Guides Connect’s experience is so smooth, user friendly and addictive.

Google local guides can contribute with a new energy and share stories with world.

It must have been a long roadmap and lot efforts. @system
Thanks whole team and @Julie_A for new flow.

Please follow for more insightful content and stories!

My Map(Level9)

Engineer I Photographer I Traveler

Saudações Brasileira, que noticia maravilhosa @Julie_A !

Semenjak Adanya Perubahan Di Local Guide Connect ini Khususnya di Google Maps, Saya Jadi Tidak Bisa Berkontribusi Lagi, Saya Tidak Bisa Menambah Tempat, Tidak Bisa Memindai Tempat yg Salah, Tidak Bisa Menyunting Jalan pada Lokasi yg Salah, Tidak Bisa Menghapus Tempat Tempat Fiktif, Tidak Bisa Menambah Foto di Ulasan saya Dan Sebagainya, Semuanya Selalu TIDAK DISETUJUI Oleh Google Maps setelah saya Lihat di Info Editnya, Tapi Pelaporan di Gmail saya Selalu DITERIMA. Ini yg Menjadi Masalah saya sejak Adanya Perubahan khususnya di Maps saya sebagai Local Guide, Kontribusi saya Selalu Tidak Disetujui selain Tidak Diketahui.

I was waiting for this change, UI impressed me a lot.

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Thanks @Julie_A for the new and improved Connect.

I am also new here. It seems that this site is not mobile friendly. Am I missing something?

Congrats! it has been long time since I last access to local guides due to tight scheduled! it is so happy to see this platform has been improved and everyone are putting many efforts into it :dizzy:

@Julie_A is there mobile app available for Local Guides Connect for iOS Platform ?

Most welcome To all Connect Family

Love the app already. Kudos to the team.

@Julie_A Thanks for the alert. I must say that I’ve not been as active on the platform in the last year but I hope that with the new platform I’ll be able to engage more on it.

Amazing new connect organization and content. It is definetely easier to navigate.

@Julie_A , வணக்கம்,
Road mapper challenge மிகவு‌ம் மெதுவாக வேலை செய்கின்றது.
Road mapper challenge ல்
இதுவரையிலான மேப்பிங்
23000 கிலோ மீ்ட்டர் அளவு செய்துள்ளேன்.
துரித படுத்த கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன்.