Welcome to the Food & Drink board

Whether you’ve always got a seat at the hottest new restaurant or your go-to dinner is street food from a local cart, this topic board is for Local Guides who are self-proclaimed foodies.

On this board, you’ll find

  • Recommendations on great restaurants and cafes
  • Interviews with chefs
  • Tips on taking great food photos
  • Videos on where to eat in different cities around the world
  • Food news
  • Photos of amazing meals Local Guides have had
  • Advice on writing helpful restaurant reviews
  • Information about food culture in various countries
  • And more!

Here, you’ll connect with people who love learning about, looking at, and talking about food. Share your favorite food photos, ask for restaurant recommendations in the city you’re visiting, and let us know what else you’d like to see on this board.


I :heartbeat: Food

@kmajewski :slight_smile:


@kmajewski awesome board, it’s gonna be my favorite one for sure!! :heart_eyes:

@OSAMA haha me too!!

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I can see our body weights will start to increase sharply due due to this board.

May be Connect now can allow us to track our weight here. So we can look back to see how our weight increases with how many times we spend in the Food & Drink board.

Thank you for the helpful post, @kmajewski !


haha i like your suggestion @YK1001 , but we need some privacy for this specially for some local guides who don’t want to share there weights on public :wink:


Tracking for personal access only.

No need to share it too the world, @OSAMA !


The vibrant colors that pop on your photos are uplifting. They capture you and take hold, like a beautiful symphony! Thanks, Best, Renata


collection of delicious and healthy Foods, thank you @kmajewski

The way to discover the culture of a people is to taste their local recipes

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Questa ricetta prevede come ingredienti l’aglio rosso di Nubia, i pomodori freschi (in estate si usa il ciliegino, in inverno i famosi pomodori a grappolo appesi) il basilico tagliato a pestato assieme a nadorle e aglio, il sale di MOzia e l’olio extravergine di oliva. Tutto il pesto viene preparato a crudo e lasciato insaporire in frigo per un paio di ore almeno. La forma della pasta e essenziale. Si tratta delle busiate fatte anticamente solo nel Trapanese.

Ciao @Antos

Grazie per il tuo post, mi ha fatto venire non solo appetito, ma anche voglia di tornare al piu’ presto in Sicilia. Sono stato a Trapani, ed ho in programma di tornarci magari per provare il cous cous di pesce oppure le genovesi di Erice. Se hai altri suggerimenti o ricette di altre specialita’ locali non esitare a deliziarci ancora.

Per dare piu’ risalto al tuo post ho provveduto a trasferirlo nella sezione - Welcome to the Food & Drink board .

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Great! I will be spending a lot of time in this board :yum:

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This is original legendary burger with a juicy beef patty, crispy tasteful bacon, freshly smooth melted cheese crowned on top of the beef and a golden fried ring onion. Very classical and fresh. Comes with special sauce , lettuce and beef tomato. It is served with fries seasoned with seasoning salt and black pepper.

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That food is DELICIOUS

How about a

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this will be a very cool and interesting board I can’t wait to see the post of the food from around the world!

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why thank you

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Food is bae

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Great !!!

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