Welcome to Week 2 of celebrating #ConnectTurns5! July sees Local Guides Connect turning 5 years old and our baby is growing!
Last week, we started the weekly challenge with celebrating your achievements as Local Guides and as members of the Connect community! You can still join in the fun by sharing your proudest achievements in the comments or as a separate post!
I know you all love your photos so this week the challenge is to share one (or more) photos of what the Connect/Local Guides community means to you! Please do include a bit of a explanation too as to why you’ve chosen the photo(s). You can post everything in the comments thread below!
For me, I think that this photo embodies perfectly my feelings for the community. The photo was taken by @IrenaS / @FazZ at #EuroMeetup19 and shows most of the participants! Besides the glorious display of our double chins and tummies
it shows that we are locked in arms, secure in our friendships, with no physical borders or cultural differences to separate us! Or separate us from having fun!
This is my second photo that I like a lot too! At the first Local Guides Summit 2016, the attendants voluntarily brought simple souvenirs showcasing their country/culture and shared them amongst each other. And at every summit since, they’ve kept the tradition going.
It was so popular that at Connect Live 2019, the Local Guides team actually created a special space, the World Market, at the welcome reception where attendees could drop off their souvenirs (some with explanations and fun information). It was like a freebie corner with amazing stuff from all over the world!
The souvenirs are completely optional since it’s not cheap to have that many for so many attendees but it was just so cool to see the community come together to share their local pride and love! The community spirit that Connect represents is super! It takes investment to nurture friendships but the rewards reaped are certainly well worth the effort. So that’s why I chose that photo!
I hope that you will enjoy this post/challenge and please do share it with your Local Guides friends and community so that we can all share and see what an amazing community the Local Guides is! I look forward to seeing your photos and stories in the comments below!!
And for more fun events/meet-ups to celebrate #ConnectTurns5, check out this post!

And join this one as well @AdrianLunsong
I love the photo you shared here @AdrianLunsong it is beautiful unity between the team!
@AdrianLunsong Another challenge. cool!
Your welcome respectively always be mortified to be selected every topics for the help ness for public and private sector issues the some legle conditions of presentation of your hiring thought of your cooperation in future that I’m unable to say the grave of presently updated fully loaded up in your rewies sir thank Ved.prakash.chaturvedi Varanasi City localguide. Thanks. Warm regards to you Sir.
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Beautiful memories and photos @AdrianLunsong … Oooh, the joy of Connect Live! but you are right… being a Local Guide means you are extending your family of awesome people sharing the same passion and interest. Lucky us!
Thanks very much @Erna_LaBeau . I’m also super behind on many things and very slowly catching up! 
Thanks @Sophia_Cambodia ! Glad you enjoyed the photo! Do you have any photo that you think represents the spirit of Connect?
Thanks @jayasimha78 ! The king of photos must have a photo or two that can represent Connect! 
Thanks for your comment @Vedprakashchat but I am struggling to understand it unfortunately. You can write in your own language and hopefully, Connect’s translate too can do the translation for us.
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Lucky us indeed @indahnuria ! I’m certainly looking forward to meeting other Local Guides in the area at this weekend’s birthday meet-up! It would be fun to see my friends again!
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I have one photo I took at Angkor Wat in 2020 @AdrianLunsong very similar to the first one of yours.
And thank you sooo much for popping up during our Connect birthday celebration’s VMU @AdrianLunsong … super excited to see you, Pete, Maria and others enjoying the picnic (beautiful day to have one indeed) and that cool pottery class (I envy you! I have been wanting to join one but haven’t managed to do it :)) … cheers
Wow @Sophia_Cambodia ! That’s a pretty cool way to pose for a photo! @IrenaS one to try next time! 
@jayasimha78 Thanks very much for your post!! 
@indahnuria You’re welcome! I just thought it would be fun to drop into other virtual meet-ups happening at the same time just to say hi from the Manchester bunch! We were so busy painting that we missed the #StateChallenge with @JanVanHaver . @PeteMHW was wanting to join the quiz as we thought we would only spend an hour or so at the pottery place (we were there for 3 hours!).
I certainly did want to join the quiz - especially as it was particularly about Maps @JanVanHaver and @AdrianLunsong but we were all so engrossed in our own pottery birthday challenge. Any chance of a rerun of the questions?
@PeteMHW @AdrianLunsong I was going to “help out with the questions” and ended up writing them all… I have been known to dig into things, right? 
As it was done in a spreadsheet, I have simply saved a copy of that where the correct answers are NOT marked, and I will share that with you. Don’t hestitate in the slightest way to use any of those questions for any future LG activities.
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Thanks for sending that @JanVanHaver - at first glance:

Thank you dear @AdrianLunsong appreciate your comment!
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@JanVanHaver Oh dear… no answers… does that mean I can randomly pick which are the right ones?
Thanks so much for sharing them!
@PeteMHW I think you should use them for the Manchester’s Annual Christmas Quiz!
It’s never too soon to think about Christmas by the way! We just had hail today so it might as well be snowing!
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