
clear your mind like weather.

Stay motivated always focus on who are you, why you came here for , what is your role for being here…think about this every day

Look at the sky ask your self


Hi @Hitman_kevin Thanks for clearing up those two terms, stratosphere and troposphere. Scientist also warn that climate change leads to extreme weather conditions.

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Hi @Hitman_kevin it’s a nice post but I’d like to advice you not to copy content from other websites such as Wikipedia. Write your own words about the post, that’d be great.

Thanks to share the post and yes the weather looks so pleasant.

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For more information you can read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?


I agree with @ANKIT_SHARMA , your photos are beautiful, but in connect it is strictly prohibited to use content that is not created by us.

Please edit your post to replace what you have copied, using your own words.

In Local Guides Connect we care about author’s right, included yours. For more information please read: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?

Hello @Hitman_kevin ,

It seems that your text is taken from an external source. Keep in mind that this is something against our program rules. As we deeply care about originality, you might as well want to read the following article: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?.

In order to avoid your post being moved to the off-topic posts archive, I kindly suggest you edit your post using your own words and photos. You can edit your publication following the helpful instructions that you will find here: Edit your post - Why and How To.


Its my first time i am using this. i didn’t used it before…

Let me know first how to use it

Sorry for this


Thanks for fixing your content @Hitman_kevin

Please note that I have unaccepted the “solution” given by you om my reply, because your post don’t need a solution. To know more about this feature please read: How do I mark comments as solutions?

A tip for you: when you are responding, please use @ to tag the person you are responding to. In this way a notification will be sent, and @TsekoV will be notified of your reply.

Thanks again

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