We didn't give up!!

My city Kolhapur (Maharashtra, India) faced life threatening situation. It all started pouring very heavily on 1st August till 13th August. Unstoppable rains, 24/7 cloudy atmosphere, it was all scary to be part of!

The only source of water in the city and one of the five major river in the state Panchganga crossed danger level concluding it as flood. Haunting natural calamity. No one, an inch was aware about the future outcome. Agriculture land especially efforts taken by farmers, storey, roads, bridges, vehicles everything was under water. Such a great loss. Incessant rains led to atleast 139 villages underwater. It took lives of more than 100 people including animals.

No Water No Food No Electricity for unpredictable days was difficult to survive. Harmful snake and dog bites, viral infections each thing created one another new circumstances.

Yet we locals didn’t give up easily. We rose up higher, stronger and tougher than last. We helped each other as family and evacuated 645k people at safer place. We provided them safe and secure shelter with all necessities such as clothes, food, water. Proper medications were arranged. The carcasses of animals were disposed off with scientific methods.

There were many helping hands still more hands are needed to join together to bring back the normalcy. Help them stand by themselves. Damage is beyond imagination if we all come together journey will be easier than doing it alone.

Rememeber -

“One Hand is equal to One Home”

Thank You.

(Note - Images are real. Not taken from internet. Please let me know if anyone interested in donations. People sincerely need help to build lost homes).


I’m so sorry to hear of that @Riddhii and am glad you and your family are safe! I cannot imagine what you must have went through and how scary that really was.

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Almost a whole city flood. It would be difficult now. Many houses are already flooded . People can hardly get drinkable water, food or sleep comfortably. Kudos to the local guides team for rising up to the occasion. Through your relentless effort many lives has been saved .


This just brought to my attention, the severity of the flood. I’m glad you’re all stronger and United. @Riddhii our heart goes out to your loss and struggles

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so sad to hear @Riddhii same situation in Andhra Pradesh also some places …


This is G.R. Prem Sekar.

Sorry, @Riddhii

Always be courageous.

Be steady and relax.

Please quickly make arrangements for relief and resources in progress.

God Bless You All.

This is G.R. Prem Sekar.

Sorry, @Riddhii

Always be courageous.

Be steady and relax.

Please quickly make arrangements for relief and resources in progress.

God Bless You All.