We are Amdavadi

Hey guys

This is Akash Kariya

Local guide from Ahmedabad and I believe there are so many activities are going on in Ahmedabad so if any local guide wants to catch up to make our local cummunity bigger and stronger so that we have to meet each other to get some new ideas.

So right now I don’t know anybody is interested or not

but if anyone wants to join us than you can please let me know.


Akash Kariya


@Akash_Kariya It would be great if you could provide the link to your online community page. Then people can join.

Hello @Akash_Kariya ,

Hope you are having a very good time contributing. There’s a community for Local Guides in Guajarat.


It would be great if you may share this over there.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

