WC for Dogs in Macau, China

When you are walking with your dog you should always be ready to take care of him and to clean when nature makes its call. But what about when you are walking with your dog in Macau? Well, here you can find many “WCs for dogs”. With even signal showing them. Not only in Macau, but also in other parts of China there are WCs for dogs. No more stress when walking with your dog and well… finally also your dog can go to the toilet just like you, at least in some China areas like Macau.


Interesting service/concept @user_not_found I haven’t seen this anywhere else in the world. I’ve seen in many place cows walking freely in the Street so woner if this WC for Dogs in Macau idea can catch on for cows!

Hi @user_not_found

That’s a novel concept!

Thanks for sharing something unique.

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HI @user_not_found ,

That’s a great idea! I haven’t seen anything like this anywhere in Europe. Do they also have plastic bags to pick up after the dogs if needed? I’m seeing more and more places with plastic bags to use, which is great and more people are picking after their dogs.

Thanks for sharing!

C’est quelque chose d’unique je suis vraiment étonné c’est vraiment un concept novateur merci beaucoup pour le partage :person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand::person_raising_hand:

Hello @DanniS

In Italy we have plastic bags, also in China they have them, but in any case WC for dogs seem also very popular solutions. And as far as I have seen, with these WCs one can avoid bringing plastic bags, but of course Chinese people walking with the dogs have to be very careful and be ready to bring their dog near a WC if they see the dog wants to stop.


@user_not_found Yeah I agree, it’s a great idea for sure. There are a lot more facilities available for dogs these days which I think is great! :slight_smile: Do you have a dog?

@DanniS No, but I have one big cat and two small kittens.