Curug cikaratak is beautiful and natural
Curug Cikaratak. Sepertinya tempat yang menarik, Kak @M29
Tapi agar artikel ini menjadi lebih informatif bagi pembaca/Local Guides yang lain, bisakah Kak @M29 juga menyertakan foto-foto dan cerita seperti apa pengalamannya ketika traveling ke tempat ini?
Untuk menulis artikel yang informatif, barangkali beberapa tips berikut bisa membantu: How do I write a post on Connect
Terima kasih sudah berbagi. Jadi penasaran seperti apakah Curug Cikaratak itu
Hi @M29 ,
Did you perhaps forget to add the photo in your post? No worries, you can easily go on the left side and edit your message and add a photo. I’m including this article as well, which you might find useful: Uploading a photo on Connect.
Here is an interesting article you could read before your next post How to tell a story through your photography.
By the way, I’ve noticed that your post has an Indonesian language label. Please note that I’ve removed it as your post is written in English.
To learn more about those labels I recommend you to take a look at the following article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.