Water Street View - #1

Hi guys,

Just wanted to share with you the first successful lake tour that I’ve put on Google. https://www.google.com/maps/@46.1847882,-76.0650233,3a,90y,63.33h,73.27t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMMWz8rY4itqvQvWlay_cmaHfURzu_K0dhpEuvN!2e10!3e12!7i7680!8i3840

I’m making my own mission of mapping lakes and rivers in my part of our lovely planet!

Let me know what you think!


Awsome job dude.


Me on my ski with cam mounted in the back!

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The 360⁰ picture is amazing i really enjoyed it @JacobBedard , how’s your experience here and what’s the cost of boating or rafting here?

Thanks and have a nice day :blush:

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Hello fellow LG @JacobBedard

After almost 4 years you are back to LG Connect… Welcome back.

Your StreetView shot is of very good quality - which camera have you used?

Appreciate your efforts and your plan,

Wish you all the best.

PS: Kindly TAG me in your future posts.

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Hi @TravellerG Yep, I’ve changed a lot of things in my life but not my passion for Street View and Local Guide.

I use Pilot One EE it’s the best I found for what I need since it’s the only one that is waterproof.

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Happy to meet you here, dear fellow LG @JacobBedard

Thanks for your kind reply.


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Hello @JacobBedard that is great.

It’s like what I am doing OFF-ROAD shooting. I never tried to over water surfaces. Which camera, tools, or uploader do you use ?

I saw arrows are pointing down not leveled!

Thank you

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Hey @OSAMA_1 I use my Pilot One EE(like you I believe) driving at 50km/hours at 7fps and I upload to Street View Studio.

The result is great and very easy to do. But for some reason my tours are not been publish they are stuck on treatment mode by Google for like over a week now… not sure why is that.

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What do you mean ( not been published ) @JacobBedard ?

Still processing? In GSV app?

@OSAMA_1 yes stuck on Still processing in https://streetviewstudio.maps.google.com

It work like a charm for the first video but all my footages are stuck in processing mode. I’m gone try with GoThru.


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Before GoThru @JacobBedard delete while processing, then upload again. This happen when there are maintenance or issues are being fixed in Google side.


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Thx @OSAMA_1 I’ll try this! Thx for your help I’ll let you know!

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Yes @JacobBedard I did this operation before, it worked with me.

Additionally, give them a good time for processing. Some files need 2 weeks to be published on the maps .


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@OSAMA_1 You’re the man thx! I’ll be more patient then! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi again @JacobBedard files were processing just released and published.

Check yours please

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