Warm Up This Winter with The Black Tea


Hi @Khanabadosh1986

Firstly, thank you for sharing your breakfast and tea time. I love the composition with the eggs in the blurry background and tea in the foreground. It’s beautiful.


Thank you for sharing @Khanabadosh1986 .

I like drinking tea, usually in the evenings. Where did you have this cup of tea? Is black tea your favorite one?

Please note that I removed the Bars&Nightlife label from your post.


@VasT yes GM i love it B. tea. this cup at my home. ok i removed this tag. so sorry GM

That’s great @Khanabadosh1986 , please make sure to include more information when you start a new topic on Connect. This way, we can understand why you are sharing it. Also, feel free to take a look around the many different topics here and find out what others usually share :).

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